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The mother dog gave birth to an unbelievable 15 puppies in a single birth

After 6 hours of struggling, Jessie the Rottweiler mother dog finally gave birth successfully to 15 adorable and healthy puppies.

Recently, Jessie amazed her owner by delivering 15 puppies in just one birth. With this achievement, Jessie has become one of the most prolific dog mothers in the UK to date.
Currently, the litter of puppies is being nurtured in a makeshift bed. After giving birth, Jessie became very fierce and did not allow anyone to feed her puppies. The 15 puppies play together and suckle on their mother's milk every night to survive.
According to Jessie's owner, Eleanor, she thought Jessie wouldn't give birth until October 24th, but she was surprised when Jessie gave birth under the stairs and on her bed at nearly 2 am on the 22nd.
After the sixth puppy was born, everyone thought Jessie was finished giving birth.

However, to their surprise, Jessie continued to give birth to more puppies. The large number of puppies made Eleanor and her husband unsure of how many more Jessie wanted to have. Fortunately, at 8 am, Jessie completed the delivery of her 15 puppies, ending a grueling six-hour labor.

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