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Meet Blaze, The Multicolored Labrador The Internet Is Falling In Love With


10-year-old Blaze is a happy, healthy labrador with a great life and a loving family.

He also has a rare condition which has given him a unique and striking appearance.

Blaze has vitiligo, an autoimmune disease which causes depigmentation.

In the last year, Blaze has gone from having a fully black coat of fur to having large swaths of white fur mixed with the black.

It all started with a white spot on his ear, but soon the white spot grew and multiplied.

Luckily, vitiligo is not dangerous and only affects pigmentation, so Blaze is as happy and healthy as ever. He loves going on adventures around his home in Finland and is just as happy to be black-and-white as to be completely black.

And Blaze’s new look has made him go viral online, as people just can’t get enough of his unique and beautiful fur. He now has his own Instagram, and everybody seems to agree that he’s a gorgeous and very good boy.

At 9 years old, jet-black Blaze developed a white spot on his ear.


At the time, his pet-parent didn’t think much of it.


But after more white spots appeared, a vet diagnosed him with vitiligo.


Vitiligo is a harmless autoimmune disease which causes depigmentation.


Blaze doesn’t really seem to care that his apperance has changed.


But online, he’s gained a large fan-base thanks to his unusual look.


People are in love with Blaze’s beautiful, multicoloured fur and his sweet personality.


He’s a gorgeous and unique doggo and deserves all the love and attention he’s getting.


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