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Rescue Puppy Who Had His Teeth Pulled Out by a Previous Owner Is Now 'Living His Best Life'

 Toothless the pit bull puppy recently moved out of Georgia's Royal Animal Refuge and into a loving foster home.

toothless puppy

Toothless is all smiles now that he is in a loving foster home.

According to a Wednesday Facebook post from Georgia's Royal Animal Refuge, nine-month-old puppy Toothless recently ended up in the rescue's care after animal control picked up the young dog.

"We recently took in this sweet baby, his name is Toothless. Animal control let us know that this 9-month-old boy had all of his teeth pulled out by someone. We could not say no to taking him in and he quickly stole all of our hearts," Royal Animal Refuge wrote in their post about Toothless's heartbreaking backstory.

FOX 5 reported that the unknown individual who pulled out all of Toothless's teeth — except two back molars — could've done it to use the pit bull puppy as a bait dog in a dogfighting ring. Unfortunately, this abuse wasn't Toothless's only issue when he arrived at Royal Animal Refuge.

"On top of his heartbreaking past, he was diagnosed with parvo. He was immediately rushed to a vet and is now receiving medical care. Toothless is asking for positive thoughts to be sent his way," the shelter added.

toothless puppy

Animal lovers quickly responded to the Toothless's story, sending love and donations to the rescue canine. This touching amount of support also helped the puppy medically recover from the neglect and abuse he experienced before arriving at Royal Animal Refuge.

"We are speechless and overwhelmed by the amount of support we have gotten for our sweet boy, Toothless. We cannot thank you enough for the donations, kind words, and for rallying behind us to save him. Thanks to his supporters, he is doing amazing and is scheduled to be discharged soon," the Georgia rescue updated their Facebook followers on Friday.

Royal Animal Refuge had yet another positive update on Monday. The shelter posted on Facebook that Toothless has moved out of the rescue into a foster home.

toothless puppy

The update everyone has been waiting for!! TOOTHLESS IS HOME," the nonprofit shared, along with several photos of someone holding the dog. "This sweet boy was released and is living his best life with his amazing foster family! He is doing great and we are so thankful that his fosters stepped up to care for him."

"We want to thank everyone for donating, sharing, and spreading awareness for sweet dogs like Toothless. As always, there is no way we would be able to do this without all of you, and for that, we are forever grateful," the rescue added in Monday's Toothless update.

To help support Toothless and other Georgia rescue pets, donate to Royal Animal Refuge at the rescue's website.


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