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Man Rescues Blind Dog Who Got Lost In The Woods For A Week, Donates Reward To Animal Rescue Organization

For genuine pet lovers, pets are not just mere animals. They are treated as equals, possessing the right to love, care and attention just as much as humans. They share history with the whole family, as well as sharing unique little secrets with each individual.

The same was the case for the Cole Family. They have a 12-year old blind Labrador, Sage, who is nothing but a gentle soul. Imagine their distraught when they realized that Sage was nowhere to be found after they accidentally left her out in their yard. A search immediately commenced with the help of their neighborhood. They posted up flyers, and wrote on social media sites. Five days turned into six, then into eight but no sign of Sage turned up until a few more days later.
Their next door neighbor Don Estrada was out for a hike through the forest, when he spotted what he initially thought was a trash bag. Annoyed about how irresponsible people could get, when he got closer he was surprised to find out it wasn’t what he thought it was. To his further dismay, he realized it was Sage, and the dog appeared to be dead. He was already thinking about how he was going to tell the Cole Family, when Sage made a slight movement that let him know she was still alive. He went down to where Sage was and let her know he was there to save her. Sage was very weak from the lack of food and water, so Don carried her on his shoulders, making his way slowly up the slope.
Don immediately contacted the Cole family, telling them he was bringing their beloved dog home.
The Cole family had been offering a $1,000 reward to the person who’d have saved Sage, but Don Estrada turned it down, telling them to donate the money to an animal rescue organization instead.

This is Sage, a 12-year old blind Labrador. She is the adorable addition to the Cole Family.

She got lost when she was accidentally left outside Cole family’s home.

Luckily, Don Estrada, a neighbor, was hiking through the forest when he saw what he initially thought was a trash bag.

He realized it was the Cole family’s dog so he approached to save her.

Sage considerably brightened up when she recognized Don’s dogs.

Since Sage was weak from the lack of food and water, Don carried her on his shoulders all the way to the top.

They slowly made their way up.

Despite spending 8 days alone in the woods, Sage was still alive and headed home

Sage was finally home with her family again. She was fed, bathed and taken care of, and her family made sure that she didn’t get out of their sight again.

The Cole family had been offering a $1,000 reward to the person who’d have saved Sage, but Don Estrada turned it down, telling them to donate the money to an animal rescue organization instead.

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