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My heartwarming tale of rescuing my neighbor's dog

A woman has taken to Reddit to share how she adopted her neighbour's dog after they dropped her off at a rescue shelter to make room for a new puppy - she is enjoying her new life with her new owner

Owning a dog is a huge responsibility - and not something you should jump into on a whim. A woman has shared her 'disgust' after her next-door neighbour dropped their dog off at a local rescue centre to make room for a new puppy.

Speaking to Reddit, the woman explained how the poor pooch, named Missy, spent an entire month in kennels before she realised what had happened to her. Wanting to make a difference to the dog's life, and prove a point to her neighbours, she went to the rescue centre and put her name down to take her home.

Thankfully for Missy, the woman's application was approved and she soon settled into her new home - next door to her previous owners.

She said: "My next-door neighbours abandoned their dog and got a new puppy. She was in the shelter for a full month before I realised what happened."

The woman shared a picture of Missy in the shelter and when she arrived at her new home to show how much difference a few hours can make in a dog's life.

"This is Missy in the shelter and when she realised she's never going back," she added.

As Missy has only been living with the woman for a matter of days, her previous owners are yet to notice her running around next door's garden.

The woman added: "She hasn't seen the neighbours yet. Missy always ran to the fence to give kisses when I went outside so we've always had a really good relationship.

"I can tell she's been depressed and stressed out but she seems relieved to be here."

Sharing their thoughts on her kindness, one user said: "'Hey, the grass is greener on this side!' -Missy"

Another user said: "You're such a good person. My neighbour moved to Florida and just dropped their 18-year-old cat off at the vet like it wasn't their problem anymore.

"So many of us would have taken her but we didn't find out till she was put down."

A third user said: "Thank you for your big heart. You gave her a better life. She seems to understand this is where she is supposed to be."

Source: https://www.mirror.co.uk/

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